Australia: 1917-1988.
Slogan cancellations: Send a Telegram - Adelaide.

The SEND A TELEGAM slogan was used in Adelaide from 27 June 1933 to 7 July 1939.

There were 5 main formats produced within which there are the variations of lettering, etc.

The listing below is generally chronological by type of format. The following Table provides a guide with hyperlinks:

Words at base Shape Code Earliest recorded date Latest recorded date % of Adelaide Census
PAID Box   27 July 1933 28 July 1933 3
S.A. Circle   3 October 1933 2 February 1937 5
S.A. Box 2 8 December 1937 18 May 1938 48
Sth. AUSTRALIA Box 3 8 September 1937 3 November1937 5
S.A. Box 4 19 April 1938 7 July 1939 39

The inscription at the top of the date section was always ADELAIDE.

The slogan component was 21 mm high and 51 mm long.
The third line varied slightly in length across the dies. Boxes were 22 × 19.5 mm.

The Send a Telegram Census has 69 recorded examples.

Datestamp: Box;

Number: None;

Base inscription: PAID.

Die 4A: Narrow A above G.

Earliest date of this format:
27 June 1933.

Latest date of this format:
28 June 1933.

Number in Census: 2

Adelaide 1933 Paid
27 June 1933.
Datestamp: Circle;

Base inscription: S.A.

Die 4B: A over G.

Earliest date of this format:
3 October 1933 (Occleshaw).
(There is a significant break in the census covers from 3 October 1933 to 28 January 1937).

Latest date of this format:
2 February 1937.

Number in Census: 3.

Box 2 1938 May
28 January 1937.
Datestamp: Box;

Number: 2;

Base inscription: S.A.

Die 4B: A over G.

Earliest date of this format:
19 April 1938.

Latest date of this format:
18 May 1938.

Number in Census: 32.

Metro life
19 April 1938.
Datestamp: Box;

Number: 2;

Base inscription: S.A.

Die 5B: A over GR.

Only example of this format:
2 May 1938.

Number in Census: 1

Adel 2 5B
8 December 1937.
Datestamp: Box;

Number: 3;

Base inscription: Sth. AUSTRALIA.

Die 4B: A over G.
Year at top of date with time as the third line.

Earliest date of this format:
8 September 1937.

Latest date of this format:
3 November 1937.

Number in Census: 3.

Code 3
8 September 1937.
Datestamp: Box;

Number: 4;

Base inscription: S.A.

Die 3B: A over EG.

Earliest date of this format:
16 June 1939.

Latest date of this format:
7 July 1939.

Number in Census: 5.

Adel 4
16 June 1939.
Datestamp: Box;

Number: 4;

Base inscription: S.A.

Die 5B: A over GR.

Earliest date of this format:
19 April 1938.

Latest date of this format:
7 July 1939.

Number in Census: 21.

April 19 4
19 April 1938.